Hire Us!
Chorus or Quartet?
There are a couple of ways SeaChordsmen can be hired to perform for you. The chorus might be more appropriate for larger gathering, or a quartet (four singers) for smaller groups.
SeaChordsmen VLQ
A Very Large Quartet (VLQ) is simply a subset of the entire chorus that is available to perform for you. We love to perform at any venue that will have us! Email [email protected] to inquire about our availability and rates.
SeaChordsmen Quartets
The SeaChordsmen have a number of quartets that rehearse regularly and are available for hire also. Please see SeaChordsmen Quartets for information on currently available quartets.
Singing Valentines?
Do you have a special someone - romantic or platonic - that you'd like to honor with a barbershop quartet performance? We'd love to celebrate them with you! Check out our website in January or February for our in-person and virtual (via Zoom) Singing Valentines options.