
We had so much fun today, and are so happy to have surpassed our fundraising goal for the Pike Market Senior Center & Food Bank! Congrats to the organizers of the Great Figgy Pudding Caroling Competition for another incredible event!!

What did this hardworking group of folks do to celebrate the first Saturday in November? They spent their day planning 2025 chorus activities. There's a lot to wrangling a chorus, from choosing and buying music, designing activities and programs for visitors, creating posters and graphics for shows and outreach, organizing gigs, keeping track of membership and finances, etc. And that's before we even start to learn music! Thank you to this group of hardworking folks for keeping this ship afloat.

Thanks to Dave for hosting and supplying delicious breakfast!

And a super-huge thank you to our director, who puts up with all of us, and spent HER BIRTHDAY doing all of this stuff. What a gem. Happy birthday, Elizabeth!

The SeaChordsmen had great representation at Harmony Platoon in the run-up to the Evergreen District Convention earlier this month! For those who don't know -- Harmony Platoon is an opportunity for singers to learn and be "quartet-ready" on five songs, and then get together with others who've also learned the songs. Platoon consists of one and a half days of pick-up quartetting in a very informal competition setting. It's fun to sing with other singers (the organizers specifically try to avoid having chorus-mates sing together in quartets), so there are lots of folks to meet and sing with. Here we are participating:

The 2024 Evergreen District of the Barbershop Harmony Society Convention is in the books, and wow, what a weekend! Not only did we have eleven new first-time competitors on stage with us, but we bumped our score up from last year by 4.4 points, moving from 72.3 to 76.7, and landing in fifth place. If you're not one of those barbershop fans who lives knee-deep in barbershop-scoring, we don't blame you. But trust us -- this was an incredible weekend for us!

So, we'll have much more to say about the Evergreen District convention that happened over this last weekend, but let's first celebrate the ten (TEN!) new chorus members who competed for the first time in a convention with us! We had a great group on stage (40 singers plus our director, Elizabeth), and we were so happy to get an EVG weekend under these folks' belts! New members are:

  • Lead Michael
  • Bass Phil
  • Bass Nathan
  • Baritone Glenda
  • Lead Hannah
  • Bass David
  • Tenor Melissa
  • Lead Rosemary
  • Tenor Elise
  • Bass Yarden
  • Not pictured: Denise 

Hooray for the expanding SeaChordsmen family!


Here are some more photos from our annual summer BBQ in August. You can see that we had a ton of fun. Thanks again to Pete and Jim for hosting us -- we had a great time, delicious food, and song!

A handful of chorus members singing through our contest songs:

Our director, Elizabeth, with her daughter Frances and baby Heidi:

Lead CC!

As if having an amazing coaching session with Charlene wasn't enough for one week... We also officially sang in FIVE new members last night! These folks have all joined over the last handful of months, and when the paperwork arrives, we make it official with -- what else? A song! Here are our new members:

  • Lead Hannah
  • Tenor Elise
  • (Also pictured: VP of membership, Jason)
  • Bass Nathan
  • Lead Michael
  • Baritone Glenda

Check out these lovely folks...


With thanks for support from