Christmas tree sales to benefit the community
Still hoping to buy a Christmas tree? Have we got a recommendation for you! Members of the chorus volunteer each year to do cashier duty at the tree lot run by Queen Anne scout troops. The proceeds benefit the scouts, and also the Queen Anne Food Bank. (As a matter of fact, we ask during each tree sale if the buyer would like to donate extra to the food bank, and most everybody says yes. We got an extra ~15k for them last year, just by asking!) The SeaChordsmen also get a small donation from the scout troops to thank us for our assistance.
There are so many great reasons to buy your Christmas tree from this lot, but the scouts also have a hookup for some great trees. They're incredibly fresh and look great.
Check out info on the scout troops and the Christmas tree lot here: http://qascouts.org/
And here's a video made about the tree lot: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u7IQA2VwEG8
Thank you for supporting your local community!