Section Lead Training
The chorus has gotten off to a rollicking start in 2023 -- we've had a board visioning meeting to plan for the next few years of chorus activity and leadership strategy; we've started tackling a dozen new songs for this years (pirate-themed!) Traveling Road-Show; and this last weekend, our directors took time to train some interested chorus members on best practices for being a section lead. We focused a lot on different methods for providing constructive, do-no-harm feedback to singers, along with modeling and building the kind of culture we want for the chorus.
It's inspiring to have so many great and committed singers on our team, and we're also VERY lucky to have such fantastic directors who share their knowledge with us and inspire us to help create our amazing chorus.
Here's Dave, who graciously allowed us to meet in his home. Thanks, Dave!
And here we are posing for a trademark Elizabeth group selfie at the end of the training. Thank you, Melanie and Elizabeth!!