The run up to District Competition - chorus edition
It's been three years since the last time the Evergreen District competition took place, and we got to join together as choruses to sing. The photo above is from the last district competition in Spokane in 2019. Needless to say, we're all very to finally be back to an in-person barbershop competition! The first round of the quartet competition is in the books -- congratulations to the three SeaChordsmen-affiliated quartets who competed on Friday evening! Now it's time for the chorus competition. Best of luck to the other choruses from around the northwest as they perform. Tickets are still available: https://evgdistrict.com/2022-district-convention/
Bog thanks to judge-in-training Alexander who was in town to help judge the competition. He came to our last rehearsal before the convention and gave us some great feedback and helpful tips. Thank you, Alexander!