A peak behind the curtain...
Our directors go to great lengths to make our rehearsals effective, efficient, and fun. It's a tall order, but they're up to the challenge. What did we do this week at rehearsal?
We had sectional time to work on our Valentines songs (hopefully if you're reading this, you're planning to purchase one!), we did physical and vocal warmups, of course. Then we worked on multiple songs -- one for our competition later this year, some for our Singing Valentines next month, and a few for our upcoming pirate-themed Road Show. We did a quarteting activity to give folks a chance to practice those Valentines songs singing in a quartet; you can tell from the photo above that we had lots of fun doing that.
Here's a video from our vocal warmup, where Elizabeth is helping us to create a more cohesive sound:
We have so much fun - join us some Tuesday! Or if you'd rather just listen, consider purchasing a Singing Valentine, or hire us to come perform our Road Show for you this summer.
Reach out with any questions -- [email protected].