Harmony Platoon at EVG
The SeaChordsmen had great representation at Harmony Platoon in the run-up to the Evergreen District Convention earlier this month! For those who don't know -- Harmony Platoon is an opportunity for singers to learn and be "quartet-ready" on five songs, and then get together with others who've also learned the songs. Platoon consists of one and a half days of pick-up quartetting in a very informal competition setting. It's fun to sing with other singers (the organizers specifically try to avoid having chorus-mates sing together in quartets), so there are lots of folks to meet and sing with. Here we are participating:
Video of Kristi here: https://youtu.be/7FfoRnhJzeI
Video of Andy here: https://youtu.be/AAIYmorjCGk
Video of Chris here: https://youtu.be/3t_d56-k-zs
Video of Tyler here: https://youtu.be/nlzTPQoePzo
A big congratulations to Kristi's final pick-up quartet, who won first place, and the opportunity to be mic-testers before the quartet competition on Friday. Way to represent, SeaChordsmen!

Bottle openers and refrigerator magnets
My last round chorus (not the one pictured) was runner up to Kristi's. We all got a doughnut fridge magnet, and Kristi's group got fish (wide mouth bass?) bottle openers to keep as awards!